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In 2081, in middle America, the government tries to make everyone equal. Harrison Bergeron is a threat to this plan because he is strong, tall and handsome and he outgrows all handicaps imposed on him. So he is jailed. His mother, Hazel does not need handicaps because she is average. His father, George, needs handicaps because he is intelligent and strong. Harrison escapes from prison and challenges the government on live T.V. He and another brave citizen free themselves from their handicaps and dance freely. The Handicapper General, Diana Moon Glampers , kills them for their actions. 


Total Equality is Unrealistic  


"Harrison Bergeron" is very much a political satire in which Vonnegut shows that total equality is not a realistic outlook for humanity. Vonnegut shows that this outlook is a mistake that is dangerous in both execution and outcome. In the attempt to make all citizens both physically and mentally equal, the government requires that everyone wear handicaps. The beautiful must wear masks or "disfigure themselves, the intelligent must listen to earsplitting noises that impede their ability to think, and the graceful and strong must wear weights around their necks at all hours of the day"(Sinatra).The outcome of this quest for equality is disastrous. America becomes a land of scared and intellectually challenged people. Government officials murder the extremely gifted with no fear of reprisal. Equality is achieved, more or less, but at the cost of freedom and individual achievement. 


Mr. Sinatra."Harrison Bergeron."American Liturature 2006.

        Weebly. Web 14 Nov. 2014. 






A society filled with total equality sounds like a utopia, but in practice, it would not be a very good idea. 


The Power of Televison  

Television is an immensely powerful force, especially in "Harrison Bergeron." It is used to placate, rules, and terrorizes the characters. Vonnegut makes it a constant presence in his story: the entire narrative takes place as George and Hazel sit in front of a TV. Television functions primarily to placate the masses. When dangerously talented people like Harrison are on the loose, for example, the government broadcasts warnings about them. Television further turns into a means of terrorizing the citizens when Diana Moon Glampers shoots Harrison. The live execution is an effective way of showing viewers what will happen to those who dare to disobey the law.



"Harrison Bergeron" is set in the year 2081. It is a futuristic society with advanced technology, seen in the radio handicaps, weapons, and the wide control over televison.  Though, while there seems to be advanced technology, it is not readily seen in the everyday life. George and Hazel's television has the appearance of one from the mid 90's as it uses tubes, one of which is broken, which George is attempting to fix in the begining of the story. The atmoshpere of the story, centers around a future tyant government based on equality for the masses.  

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